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We build it, we run it

Hosting, Server Environment, DevOps, Infrastructure As Code

Now 2 Servers, 4 in A Minute

In a dynamic infrastructure, servers are started when they are needed. During peak loads more server are active, maybe on Sundays one server can handle the load. Watching the server starting and stopping is a pleasure for every system administrator. And watching is actually sufficient, because everything happens automatically. For security reasons, the servers can also be distributed in data centers at different locations. When used worldwide, the servers can be in the region of the user.

Cloud Hosting

Technologies like Docker and cloud services like Amazon Web Services have changed the idea of what infrastructure means. In such an environment, the application is constantly monitored. Capacities and resources are adjusted automatically. The goal is always optimal performance and user experience at the lowest possible cost. Scaling infrastructure is a cost-effective way to best respond to growth and peak loads (through marketing, for example).

Infrastructure as Code

In such a completely virtual environment, traditional system documentation is a thing of the past. It is obvious to store the entire configuration of the IT landscape as a source code. Changes and enhancements can be tracked with existing tools - and can even be undone in an emergency.


Who programs the software, is very much familiar with the architecture. With this knowledge, h.com can provide the optimal virtual IT environment for your software. The possibilities and configurations are a jungle and h.com will guide you through. Then the optimal resources are available for your project and the operation is monitored (automated).

More about this topic in our blog post Dynamic Hosting with Docker and Amazon Web Services

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